Tree House
The boys took the time to sell their old bikes in KIJIJI and use the money to purchase wood to build some creative things in the backyard tree. Hudson decided to build a seat, Oliver a swing and Jackson a platform. Here is Grandpa Bowering enjoying some time in the tree with Hudson and Oliver. The yellow strap you see, is a pulley system they made to bring drinks and snacks up to the platform.
Ooops, my fault, Jackson doesn't have ear protection. Jackson worked so hard using the saw, all boys were in the basement as well, using John's tools, like the jigsaw and scroll saw. They loved it. I'm thankful John can teach them to use all of these things - it will come in handy when they are married, so they can fix things around the house for their wives ;)
The boys have been adding lights, so they can hang out in the evenings in the tree.