May Long Weekend

We have officially went straight to summer - there has been such a dramatic change in the temperature - we are loving the sunny weather.  This past week we had a great treat as the SnowBirds are doing a fly over Canada to boost our spirits b/c of COVID 19 - we walked over to the creek to see them fly by at approx.  9:30 am.  Hudson had seem them practicing the day before so he did not come out for the fly by.  

Watching the Snowbirds fly over was great.  It reminded me of when I was little and would go to the Moose Jaw Airshow.  So many people lined the creek this am to see them fly by.  It was so much fun.

May Long Weekend this year was fabulous.  I took a personal day on the Friday and John worked at the cottage for the Friday. Here he is all set up for his day of conference calls.  Everything for him worked so well and I hung out with the boys by the dock, enjoying the sunny weather.

Cinnamon buns have become a tradition at the cottage.  I make a big batch so they last us the whole weekend for our breakfasts.  This was only half of what I made :)    I made traditional cinnamon buns and orange marmalade ones - they are so delicious!

It has also become tradition to jump in the water on May Long weekend, typically we will jump in between 60-70 degrees, we don't mind the cold and it feels so refreshing on a hot hot day as opposed to luke warm water ;)  Last year we jumped in at 50 degrees F or 10 degree C   This year we jumped in a about 48 degrees F or about 8/9 C.  It was so cold LOL but refreshing.  We had so many good laughs watching everyone jump in and seeing how they would react when their heads popped out of the water.  Lots of scream and giggles.

                           Jump in  and   get out as fast as you can : 

Remember to sit in the sun, and warm up for as long as possible!!

If you have a wet suit that will help cut the freezing pain your body will endure :)

Expression on face = Priceless!!!!

If you can find Grandma's retro wet suit she used from her scuba diving days, all the better - big thanks to Grandma Bowering for helping Hudson get into this wet suit.

No problem at all, this water feels great - I'll stay in a bit longer.

Cottage time also means starting new projects.  Jackson decided he wanted to make a bow and arrow.  Here he is working on his bow.  He is using the wood planer to make it smooth, he used his pocket knife to take off all the bark.

     Great Job Jackson!!  Looks awesome, I can't wait to see                 what else you will make this summer. 

The boys were so excited to go fishing.  They went on an adventure with Grandpa Bowering.  Sadly, no fish to be caught, next time boys!

This picture makes me very happy.  As I was in the cottage, I peeked out the window to see these two by the fire.  I thought "I wonder what they are chatting about"?  Jackson and Grandpa seemed to have a lot of good chats over this weekend - I had John grab a quick photo :)


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