Hawaii 2019

We went to Hawaii for the summer of 2019 - It was absolutely amazing.  As I was scrolling through my pictures as soon as the Hawaii pictures popped up the colors on my screen changed.  They were so vibrant.  As I posted this to Instagram, many people posted that they felt the pictures were photo shopped - they weren't.   The colors were so vibrant when were were in Hawaii - we would say so many times driving "Wow look at the colors, look how blue the ocean waters are"  It was really quite crazy how often we said it.   
In Hawaii we stayed at a beautiful Air BnB -  We were in Hawaii 10 days - during this time we rented a van and we explored every inch of the island.  We went to so many beaches, did tons of snorkeling.  Our favourite place was called "Sharks Cove"  We loved seeing all the fish and the clear water.  The boys would get so excited and at times had a hard time breathing with their snorkel.   I got a bit nervous one time when we saw a sea snake - YUCK - John kept telling me it was an eel - IT WAS NOT AN EEL - the boys were always on the look out and always prepared me if they saw another sea snake.  We saw giant sea turtles, and so many colorful fish it was truly fabulous. 
 We hiked up Diamond Head - the stairs were insane.   We also did a great hike to a waterfall.  We crossed over a "no trespassing" sign to get it. Leave it to John to break the rules.   I was okay doing this hike b/c John let me know on the airplane that Hawaii doesn't have any snakes.   We walked through a beautiful forest of bamboo and made are way to the end which was a great waterfall. 
 We also enjoyed eating island snow, great food trucks and a fancy restaurant.  The boys still talk about Halweia Joes - they want to go back, we keep saying we aren't going back to Hawaii anytime soon.   We have spoiled them because now when we plan a trip they say...."can we go to one fancy restaurant like the one in Hawaii?"   They had giant prime rib and John and I ate marlin - it was AMAZING.   
So needless to say, our trip in Hawaii created a ton of memories, from the beautiful scenery, to the crazy plan rides  - John, Oliver, and Jackson getting super sick when we arrived home and once again the best snorkelling.   Two thumbs up for Hawaii!!


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