Summer is Here!

 Here we are all ready to celebrate Canada Day.  We had friends over for burgers at lunch time, then went to other friends for a dinner bbq and then out for fireworks.  It was a fabulous day!
 The boys decided at our friends house that they needed to dress up, so of course I took pictures.  These are great for their wedding day!!  Here is Oliver and Jackson, and Hannah.  Before they dressed up they did their own Canada Day facepaint, it got pretty crazy!

 Hudson was so happy about this, I can't say the same for John ;)

 This past week the boys had their friend over.  Jackson wanted to let him use his Backstreet Boys notebook.  Really it was his Beatles notebook.  I thought I better start Boyband 101.  Here is Jackson with a John Lennon doll ;)

And of course FIREWORKS.
We were so close this year that debris was falling on us.  IT WAS AWESOME.  I can't even explain how great they were this year. It was terrific time.


Jade said…
Hi Bowering family!! Nola, I was wondering if Jackson, and you, would at all be interested in planning a get together with Jackson for an afternoon or something sometime soon. I am not at VIP this summer and would love to catch up with Jackson!! I have weekends off and most Fridays and I would be so excited to come to your end of town or take him out on a "field trip". Let me know what ya think, my email is

Jade :)

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