Other Highlights from the 2019
Other highlights from 2019 - All 3 Boys are in middle school - Jackson grade 8, Hudson and Oliver in grade 6. Jackson continues to be a master builder in Lego and Hudson has joined band, he plays the flute. My whole family was able to be together this Christmas - we had a lot of fun hanging out together. We took our annual trip to the cottage this winter - always a fun tradition for us all. This year John and the boys built a quinzie - they even slept in it. They made it til about 3 am and came inside b/c it was a bit too cold. We also took a ski trip to Assessippi - this was a great trip, we spent the night at the hotel - got up early and skied all day - we all loved it. Lastly - we won the Grey Cup - that was so fabulous - GO BOMBERS!!!