
Showing posts from May, 2020

May Long Weekend

We have officially went straight to summer - there has been such a dramatic change in the temperature - we are loving the sunny weather.  This past week we had a great treat as the SnowBirds are doing a fly over Canada to boost our spirits b/c of COVID 19 - we walked over to the creek to see them fly by at approx.  9:30 am.  Hudson had seem them practicing the day before so he did not come out for the fly by.   Watching the Snowbirds fly over was great.  It reminded me of when I was little and would go to the Moose Jaw Airshow.  So many people lined the creek this am to see them fly by.  It was so much fun. May Long Weekend this year was fabulous.  I took a personal day on the Friday and John worked at the cottage for the Friday. Here he is all set up for his day of conference calls.  Everything for him worked so well and I hung out with the boys by the dock, enjoying the sunny weather. Cinnamon buns have become a tradition at the cottage....

Mother's Day 2020

This year was a really nice Mother's Day.   John made a delicious prime rib dinner. Yorkshire's (or baby yorkshie's, as I like to call them) are my favourite.   It was a delicious meal, followed up by a lemon cake from a local bakery here in the city.  The boys gave me flowers and some earrings :)  We attempted a walk at the forks but it turned out to be way colder than we thought, the London Fog helped to keep me warm.   It was a really nice weekend hanging out with BoyBand CraZytown.

Tree House

The boys took the time to sell their old bikes in KIJIJI and use the money to purchase wood to build some creative things in the backyard tree.  Hudson decided to build a seat, Oliver a swing and Jackson a platform.   Here is Grandpa Bowering enjoying some time in the tree with Hudson and Oliver.   The yellow strap you see, is a pulley system they made to bring drinks and snacks up to the platform. Ooops, my fault, Jackson doesn't have ear protection.   Jackson worked so hard using the saw, all boys were in the basement as well, using John's tools, like the jigsaw and scroll saw.  They loved it.  I'm thankful John can teach them to use all of these things - it will come in handy when they are married, so they can fix things around the house for their wives ;)    The boys have been adding lights, so they can hang out in the evenings in the tree. Everyday the boys have been enjoying lunch in the tree - they have ate, ravioli, soup, na...

Easter 2020

Easter 2020 is one we will remember for a long time.  This was the year of COVID 19 - both John and I have been working from home - I am set up in the kitchen and he is set up in the living room.  The boys are also going to school at home.  In my next post I will explain what we have been doing to keep ourselves busy during the quarantine.   We were supposed to go to Minot, ND  this Easter but had to stay here because the border was closed.  We had a great Easter here at home with turkey and prime rib :) 

Other Highlights from the 2019

Other highlights from 2019 - All 3 Boys are in middle school - Jackson grade 8, Hudson and Oliver in grade 6.  Jackson continues to be a master builder in Lego and Hudson has joined band, he plays the flute.   My whole family was able to be together this Christmas - we had a lot of fun hanging out together.  We took our annual trip to the cottage this winter  - always a fun tradition for us all.  This year John and the boys built a quinzie - they even slept in it.  They made it til about 3 am and came inside b/c it was a bit too cold.   We also took a ski trip to Assessippi - this was a great trip, we spent the night at the hotel - got up early and skied all day - we all loved it.  Lastly - we won the Grey Cup - that was so fabulous - GO BOMBERS!!!

Sailing 2019

Before we went to Hawaii, we were lucky enough to spend some time in Vancouver with Jamie, Cathy, Will and Belle - we went sailing with them in 2018 so we were so happy we got to do this again.   We love spending time on the boat, swimming, talking in "seal".   We had fabulous weather and even explored Vancouver before we went sailing.   So Fabulous!

Hawaii 2019

We went to Hawaii for the summer of 2019 - It was absolutely amazing.  As I was scrolling through my pictures as soon as the Hawaii pictures popped up the colors on my screen changed.  They were so vibrant.  As I posted this to Instagram, many people posted that they felt the pictures were photo shopped - they weren't.   The colors were so vibrant when were were in Hawaii - we would say so many times driving "Wow look at the colors, look how blue the ocean waters are"  It was really quite crazy how often we said it.      In Hawaii we stayed at a beautiful Air BnB -  We were in Hawaii 10 days - during this time we rented a van and we explored every inch of the island.  We went to so many beaches, did tons of snorkeling.  Our favourite place was called "Sharks Cove"  We loved seeing all the fish and the clear water.  The boys would get so excited and at times had a hard time breathing with their snorkel.  ...

The Blog is Back!!!

The blog is coming back.   I am a year behnd so bear with my as I bring the blog back to life!!!