You can call it "Fall" , If that's what you please, But I say, "I love Autumn!"

Autumn has arrived, and we are loving every minute of it. I'm sure the boys get tired of mom saying "wow, look at the leaves", "isn't it beautiful", Autumn is my favourite time of the year. We headed out to the corn maze this afternoon, with our friends Jonathan and Karen along with Jessie and Josiah. The kids loved it. Enjoy the Pics!!! Ps.... Thanks Jackson for posing for this picture!!!

Oliver giving "Mini Me" a big hug!!!

Hudson, on the hayride!!

Born to be Wild!!! Each year they seem to have grown a bit more!!! Best buds for life!!!

There were a few vehicles for the kids to play in. Hudson was playing in this car and to his surprise there was a cat, sleeping on the back area by the window. I love his look of surprise ..."there is a cat there....what the heck??"

Hudson you melted my heart today, watching you hold the bunnies!!! You are definitely the leader of the pack but it was so nice to see your gentleness shine through today :)

Way toooo cute!!!!! Love you Hudson!!!

Oliver you loved the bunnies as well!!! You seemed more perplexed as to what to do with this bunny in your arms!!!!

Jackson loved spending his time driving!!!

Jessie, taking the boys for a ride!!!

Oliver feeding the goat a carrot!!!

Getting ready to pet the brown goat!!!

Hay bale maze - great jumping Oliver!!

Woot Woot!!! We did it!!!
Josiah, Hudson, and Jessie!!!

Being the leader, as usual!!!

Hay ride for Oliver!!!

Having fun!!

Jessie and Hudson in the corn maze.... this was a very dry and hot year, so the corn wasn't that high. High enough for the kids to have a blast - it was just their size!!

Hudson all ready to dive on in!!!

The boys deciding to have quiet time in mom and dad's room!!!

Whose got big and scary eyes??
OLIVER - that's who!!!


K said…
Another great day!

Great post Nola, except for the last two pics....what's with those????? Maybe John should take over the whole thing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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