Fun, Fun, Fun

Disaster Ahead!!
I was going to take an after shot but John was telling me to help them and clean it up..... I just wanted ice cream and he hesitated saying it might not be a good idea, every time I look at the picture I just start laughing....Jackson kept saying, "It just keeps dripping, I can't stop it"..... I think I was laughing more b/c John just kept shaking his head, but I had wipes and cleaned it all up - he wanted no part of it ;)

Jackson, Oliver, and Hudson had their summer picnic at daycare, it was so much fun, cotton candy, bouncers, hotdogs, cake, games and pony rides the boys loved it!!!! Here is Hudson on Wally!!!!

Oliver having lots of fun!!!!

Jackson couldn't stop smiling he loved it. He said "I rode a pony, you know it's kinda like a horse!"


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