I'm back teaching and the boys are in daycare full time. The transition for all of us has gone very smoothly. Our mornings are a bit NUTSO, but hey I wouldn’t change it for anything. Hudson and Oliver are doing so well at their daycare. They are having so much fun and the workers there are FANTASTIC!!!!! My boys still aren’t walking, and that’s OK –
Well enjoy the pictures and I’ll try to have more entries sooner than later.

Here is Josiah and Jackson at Burger King, can't say we had the best experience here with our friends, they only had 2 high chairs, they said they had 4 but somehow couldn't seem to find the others, we needed another one for one of the babies and poor Jessie ended up eating her supper in the stroller - what a nice gal to give up the high chair to her 2 boyfriend, Hudson and Oliver. The food was a bit blah but the time with our friends was very enjoyable, next time McDonald's, right Karen :)

Look how big my boys look, they had so much fun eating and drinking out of their BK cups, they had a blast and I think drank more than they ate. Both Hudson and Oliver love french fries, Jackson doesn't like french fries and always wants apples instead of fries, Burger King does not have apples, BOO on them !!!
Oliver decided last weekend that he didn't need to nap and wanted to help supervise daddy put up the door frames, he prefers to work without pants - just for clarification, Oliver likes to work without his pants, not daddy ;)
Hi mommy, I am doing such a good job helping daddy, one day I will be a good builder just like him!!!!
Lately, I cannot get Jackson to look at the camera, he always wants to look away but Oliver had no problems getting excited about having his picture taken.
Here is Blake and Jackson, they are the same age, with the same birthday, Blakes parents Tyson and Evie were here for a visit, we were so happy to have them over and their other son, Jude. What a good time we had!!!
Hudson was being such a silly monkey in this picture, we have called him big ben lately b/c he seems to get up more than Oliver in the middle of the night. He hasn't been feeling well so during sick times, he is our alarm clock. Oliver good for you for smiling again for the picture.
Good job Hudson, I'm happy you are wide eyed for this picture. The boys have not slept together since they were 3 months old, but any opportunity they get to be in the same crib is good times. They love to wrestle and laugh at each other in the same crib, they will just jump and laugh at each other, they are the best of friends!!!
Your boys are getting so big and I'm sure you are so busy. I just think of myself and can't imagine all the excitement you must have! I'm sure that it keeps you going.
Glad to hear all is well. Take care!