October 2020


This month I had refractive lens exchange surgery.  My eyesight has always been awful since I can remember.  I have worn glasses since kindergarten and contacts since grade 9.  I had this surgery at 9 in the morning and went back to see my doctor at 4:30pm and I was seeing 20/20 - this has been such an overwhelming experience for me, I have cried and also been so grateful to my amazing doctor.  No more glasses or contact for this gal :)

My co-workers are so great, they gave me a great gift basket as I recovered from the surgery. These amazing cookies were in the basket - they were great!

Lovely fall flowers :)

Since we didn't go on a summer holiday this year we decided to paint out house - we love the colors that we have chosen and the large address numbers.  We also worked with our next door neighbor and built a new fence.  It has been great to pull up to our house every day after work and see the fresh new look.

A lovely fall walk with my boys!!!

Halloween looked a bit different this year.  John built a candy slide complete with sounds and lights.


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