August 2020
John has been working over the past year to refurbish a canoe that has been in his family for a long time. He worked so hard on it. Rick helped John as well with some of the wood working details, we were very grateful for his help. Here are some before and after pictures.
More pictures of before and after.
I would never be able to do this, I don't know how he can carry the canoe on his shoulders - he's so strong and dreamy LOL
This chair was a favorite this summer. The boys and John loved maxing and relaxing in it.
This year was filled with fun on the water as usual. We didn't have alot of tube rides for a couple of reasons. #1 the tube finally broke after 2 years #2 all three boys spent the majority of the summer water skiing. They loved every minute of water skiing and didn't miss the tube at all. I will try to post the water skiing videos.