Christmas was a wonderful time in our house this year. Our holidays were so much fun and relaxed, I enjoyed every minute of it. Above is Jackson at his Christmas concert for school. Click on the picture to see if you can find him. He loved singing in French about gingerbread cookies!
Having fun with their new transformers!!
Look at their smiling faces!! fast forward to about 4 hours later, they boys were running around having a great time, and bam - Hudson tripped and fell, cut his lip open and came home with 3 stitches, poor guy. He was a brave trooper and enjoyed every minute of Christmas dinner!
Jackson may not looked thrilled with his lego - but he LOVES lego, he cannot get enough of it. He has been building away, I've promised him I will post pictures of all the things he has built with his lego!
Just your average Christmas morning. Our family room is in remodel you can see from the backwall, we are installing a woodburning fireplace. We can hardly wait. Soon it will be here, can't wait to show you the finished product!
Christmas dinner, Oliver hid behind Grandpa, so you can't see him. What a great time, the food was delicious - lots of fun!
Getting ready to head out for bowling!
Just curious??