Jackson is 4

Well I can hardly believe that 4 years ago, Jackson was born. He is such a big boy now and I just cannot get over how fast time has gone!!!! Here are some pics from his party and his monster truck cake

Mom keeps saying we have to read the cards first, I'm trying my best to be patient but I just want to rip open my gifts!!

Jackson had so much fun at his party, thank to all who came and for all the great gifts you gave Jackson!!!

Jackson wanted a monster truck cake, here is my attempt at it. He wanted it to be green and purple. When he saw it, he clapped his hands and kept telling me how much he loved it. Later on the in the day he said, mom it could of been bigger, aren't monster trucks suppose to be big? Good thing I got a good night sleep and didn't remind him that I was up late late late trying to carve the cake and ice and make it look as real as possible!!!

The wheels are actually doughnuts, I like the dirt bottom!!

I think my favourite part is the lights on the top and the windows, the grill and the #4 and of course the cream cheese icing.


LP said…
Oh my goodness! I LOVE the videos...he looks so adorable when you are singing to him and so excieted for the airplane and the airport!! What a great family memory! Thanks for sharing...

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