Mom is going to do this blog very fast... she is suppose to be upstairs making our breakfasts and getting things ready for the day, but she felt the blog needed another update. Hope you all are doing well, enjoy the pics!!! The top pic is Hudson and Oliver after they had their first haircut, I couldn't get the pic to insert where I wanted so it's at the top of the blog. Aren't these handsome boys.. Jackson calls his brother's his little cutie boys!!!!
Mom and dad decided to take me, Hudson and Jackson to A&W before we get our first haircuts, I am not sure about this, I think I'd rather stay here at A&W and finish my fries!!
Oliver isn't too excited about getting his haircut, I told him to be brave, I bet I do better than Oliver at the salon!!
Jackson is smiling for the camera, very rare for him to do this, recently he does not want to look at the camera but today we got a good one!!!
I felt so bad for Oliver and Hudson just looked at him and I know he was thinking, great I'm next!!!
Here are some pics of the rising creek near our house, the road we normally take to work and daycare was closed for a couple of days. Here are some shots.