2 Weeks Left
Well the countdown is officially on as I have 2 weeks left of my maternity leave. I would just like to say what an incredible year it has been for us. To spend time with Jackson throughout this year has been AMAZING, words really cannot explain. We have been busy this week transitioning Jackson into daycare, and it has gone exceptionally well!!!! I am so proud of Jackson and how well he is doing with this new change in his life. The daycare that he is at is very good, John and I were very pleased with what we had seen.As parents we just have peace of mind of where we are leaving him, the staff at the daycare are great. What a great place this will be for him to grow socially and learn so much, he will have tons of fun. I had the opportunity to spend the week with Jackson at daycare and slowly remove myself from him, once again he is doing well. Soon he will be there full days. He loves all the toys, the stroller rides, and of course his 3 new girlfriends, but shhhhhh don't tell Victoria or Lauren in California.... both these girl think they have arranged marriages with him but we like to keep our options open. I hope all of you are doing well, as I look out the window I smile... the snowflakes are falling and it is very peaceful and I am getting excited for this weekend as I will breakout the Christmas decorations. I love decorating for Christmas. Enjoy the pics, we'll have more up soon of Jackson's birthday party.
Hi everyone, I'm having so much fun with my toybox, see that stereo behind me..... I love to push all the buttons on it and I also love grabbing the XBOX and controllers, mommy says we'll have to move it soon, but I keep telling her its ok if a few things fall on the floor every once in awhile.
November 3rd was John's b-day, we had a party and this delicious ice cream blizzard cake!!!!! We had a great time.
I cannot wait only 1 month and I will have my party, cake, pizza, good friends and PRESENTS!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!
Happy Birthday DADDY, I loved that cake, it was so good, thanks for sharing it with me!!!
Hi everyone, I'm having so much fun with my toybox, see that stereo behind me..... I love to push all the buttons on it and I also love grabbing the XBOX and controllers, mommy says we'll have to move it soon, but I keep telling her its ok if a few things fall on the floor every once in awhile.
November 3rd was John's b-day, we had a party and this delicious ice cream blizzard cake!!!!! We had a great time.
I cannot wait only 1 month and I will have my party, cake, pizza, good friends and PRESENTS!!!!!!!!! I cannot wait!!!
Happy Birthday DADDY, I loved that cake, it was so good, thanks for sharing it with me!!!
I'm totally not just saying this, but, objectively speaking, you pretty much have the cutest baby ever.
Seriously. I've seen a lot of cute babies. Without a doubt - the absolute cutest.
2 weeks left eh?? Wow! The time flies!
Jackson is as cute as ever!
Glad to hear he is adjusting well to daycare!
Well, hope you have fun decorating this weekend! I did some too today! Fun!
Take care!
Jill :)