
Showing posts from October, 2006

Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween everyone!!!! Jackson sure had a good time trick or treating. Although we had tons of snow, that didn't stop us. It actually was a nice evening and Jackson said he would share his candy with us. I cannot wait until next year to dress Jackson him. We sure think he is the cutest lion ever. Well this picture was taken when we first got our costumes. Lauren is a bumble bee and I am a lion, mom got a really good deal on my costume. It is very warm. I love it. Look at all my candy!!!!! I even got bath toys from daddy's friend Nigel. I think it is a great gift. I think I'll give these chips I got to mommy. Look at all my loot!!!! What a variety I got, chocolate bars, suckers, fruit, goldfish!!!!! Yum Yum, I love Halloween. I really love my nose, mom used brown washable marker on it. It came right off at the end of the night, thank goodness!!!! Look at this huge pumpkin dad bought, I love it. Mom says I can help carve the pumpkin next year. Dad mad this scar...

The Month of October

Hi Everyone, well we kept very busy for the month of October. Jackson and I were in Minot, North Dakota, helping my sister out who had her second baby, a boy. I was there to help her out because she had a c-section. We had a lot of fun and Jackson and his cousin Lauren became great buds over the past 3 weeks. We will post more pics of halloween Here is Lauren and I with Grandpa Herman. He came down with Grandma, they are taking the train to D.C. to see Aunt Darla. Here we are at the train station, Grandma Herman thinks I should come along in this suitcase but I don't think I will. Mom, for Christmas I would like all the items on page 212, 214, 215, 230, and yes please throw in the XBOX 360!!! We kept telling Riker it was going to be ok, but he just wouldn't listen to us. Lauren and I have become good buds, I cannot wait until we're older and we get to run off the dock at the cottage and jump into the lake!!!

Building the Guest Cottage

Last weekend my cousin Kris and I went out to the lake to help d ad build the sub-floor for the new guest cottage. The Friday before we left I had some time so I mowed my lawn. It was a bit cold out but I was only in a fleece. Definitely fall weather. Kris and I left th e city by about 6 pm. About 30 min out of town we were in a full blizzard. It was snowin g so hard you couldn't see very far out the windshield. Not the kind of weather you want to build a guest cottage in and I think we were both starting to wonder what we'd signed up for. We got to the cottage by about 9pm and there was a few inches of snow everywhere. This was winter. As we got to our doc the slanted transition piece was so slippery that you needed to use a rope to walk up it. Before we went to bed mom and dad told us how miserable the weather's been the last few days. Not very encouraging stuff. The next morning at least the sun was up but there was snow everywhere and all our lumber was ...

Riker Virgil Potter

Well nephew has arrived!!!! He arrived on October 11. His name is Riker, and he is adorable!!! He weighed in at 9lbs, 10oz and was 21 inches long. He is a cutie. My sister Valerie is doing good, she is still in the hospital and getting lots of rest. I think Riker is adorable, I keep telling my sister he is the cutest American baby boy i've ever seen. Enjoy the pics!!!!

10 Months Old

Jackson is 10 months old today and is sick with a bad cold. He is also cutting more teeth. He had teeth when he was 3 1/2 months old. He now has 8. We haven't been up to much. Of course we continue to do our daily walks. Jackson loves to sit in the grass, eat leaves and play with bugs. He is your typical boy. We will be heading to North Dakota for Thanksgiving, it will be a great time getting together with the family. We will be sending more pictures when we are there, you will then see new pics of Jackson's cousin. Jackson is also starting to stand, he does a great job of it. Did I ever mention that Jackson has a huge head!!!! Well apparently the Bowering men have big heads, I really didn't believe this, but was told this when I was pregnant. Then at one of my last doctor appointment's, I happened to have an intern working with my main doctor. He was feeling my belly to see how the baby was doing and he yelled out "holy cow, that baby has a huge head!!" Now t...