Random Pics
Here are just a few pics of the boys. We just recently celebrated Grandpa's birthday and now we are about to head to Thompson, MB for one week - I'm sure we will have lots of pics from that adventure. Life here continues to go well and we are having a fun summer which is going by sooo fast. Hope you all are doing well. Enjoy the pics. Mom, I better just have a taste to make sure this is ok for us to serve to the guests - we wouldn't want anyone to get sick! I think its ok, but I might have one more taste just to make sure :) Uhmmmmmm, still not sure, I think its ok for the guests but you better let me taste it again. I think mom figured out by now that I just wanted to eat the batter and the cream cheese icing, I sure love helping mom bake, she always lets me help in the kitchen - I still want to be a firefighter and a farmer but maybe I can add chef to the list as well. My 2 supervisors!!!!! My cute boys!!!!! Finally the finished product, grandpa really liked them!!! U...