Jackson turn's 5 months!

Wow, I cannot believe Jackson is already 5 months old. Time as gone by so quickly and Jackson has quite the personality. This picture was hard to take as he loves to grab anything he can. He is a very curious boy and he wants to look at everything around him. Jackson has the cutest laugh, it is more of a deep chuckle, it is very cute. He has 2 teeth. That is crazy to me, and it also makes eating very interesting, I know when he is about to bite, so there is no fooling mommy. Jackson goes for walks almost everyday with me (Mommy). Jackson has made an new friend and her name is Victoria, she is 3 days younger than Jackson. They walk together and have good times. Jackson has started eating wheat and rice cereal, he prefers the wheat cereal, he opens his mouth very wide and loves to chew on his spoon. We will start on veggies in a couple of weeks, I cannot wait to see his expressions as he tries new vegetables.

We've also added a bunch of new pictures here


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