
Showing posts from 2010
Hello everyone, well I have to say that 1/2 of November til now has been a bit of a roller coaster. We were all hit with the flu and really bad cold's, which we're still struggling with. Jackson turned 5 and now Christmas is upon us. 2010 has been a great year with even a trip to Cuba. Enjoy the pics below, I will post Christmas pics later on!!! Jackson turned 5 and got the pirate ship he wanted, he had only been asking for it for the past 6 months. It was a fun time with good food and great friends. Here are all the friends that came to celebrate, Jackson requested hotdogs and pizza bagel bites plus many fun snacks, the kids really had a great time!!! I have to say this cake isn't one of my proudest moments, the cake just didn't seem to turn out the way I wanted it to. One of the guests even said "what's it suppose to be..." but not soon after that Jackson's best buddy Josiah came up the stairs and looked at it and with a big WOW he said, It&

Happy Halloween

Well another Halloween has come and gone, tonight was a bit chilly but as you can see, Winnipeg costumes come equipped with scarfs and mittens!!! Jackson wanted to be Mack Truck again and Hudson and Oliver still loved last years costumes, so it was pretty easy for me. Next year will be the stresser trying to think of 3 cool costumes but hey I have a year to think about it. Life in our household is busy. Jackson is in swimming lessons and piano lessons, loving every minute of it. Hudson and Oliver are in bunk beds and are thrilled to pieces about it. Hudson is on the top and Oliver on the bottom, (the cave). Soon birthday parties for John, Jackson, Oliver, and Hudson, plus Christmas, I think I need a trip to the spa!!! We are loving every minute of this adventure and wouldn't change it for anything!!!!! Only a few pics this time. Mommy and her boys Hudson the giraffe, Oliver the lion and my buddy Jackson as Mack Truck!!!! The boys were so fun to watch this year, especially Oliver an

Fun in Autumn

Best Buds Oliver, Josiah, Hudson, Jessie, Jackson :) Something is up with my blog post, the above picture was suppose to go in the middle but not sure what happened, so my usual commentary is below I have probably mentioned this many times in the long time that we have had this blog but I LOVE AUTUMN, if I could have it my way, I would want fall until December 1st then it could snow and snow. I love the coolness in the air, the crisp mornings, the colours changing around me and going for walks with a nice sweater drinking a pumpkin spice latte. We went to a corn maze/petting zoo/hay ride place and it was great. A beautiful afternoon, spent with great friends. I put a pic of Jackson's grad from his old daycare. I don't know if I mentioned it before but all 3 boys are in the same daycare and it has been wonderful. Happy Fall to all of you and hopefully I'll have more posts this season! Jackson and Ali - we miss you, thank you for everything over the years. J


Finally, here are some pics from our trip to Cuba. We had an amazing time, the weather was unbelievable, over 35 everyday with some days over 40,it was so nice to get away and just have some relaxation time and time with John. I love my boys dearly with all my heart but this mommy needed some well deserved time on a beach, thank you John for the great b-day present, this is a trip I will remember for a very long time!!! Here is a pic of the pool, it was huge and we walked past it all the time on our way to the area where we ate. Here is the opposite view of the pool, as you can see we are tucked away in our own little hideway, if you look at that hill in the background, we hiked up it one day and got some pics, it was so nice that we had no other resorts around us, just peace and quietness, exactly what we wanted!!! Everywhere we looked everything was so lush, the grass, trees, and flowers were beautiful!! THE OCEAN - so beautiful and blue!!! This was the first view I saw when we ar